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Introducing Irani and foreign sarafi in the world

If you are looking for reputable sarafi in iran or you want to know the best sarafi offices in the world that Irani also have access to, and you should know more about Kish, Tejarat, Tehran and Mellat sarafi offices and get acquainted with the remittance rates of these sarafi offices. Follow to the end and also read the list of the best reputable irani sarafi in this article for more information

What is sarafi?

Sarafi centers are any business where people csarafi one currency for another. Sarafi office is a job that, in competition with other similar occupations, earns its profit by buying currency and then selling the same currency at a higher exchange rate . He or she may also charge a fee or fee for the purchase or sale. In determining its exchange rate , trade takes into account changing market conditions as well as rates quoted by competitors and may be controlled by government currencies and other regulations.

The exchange rate  on the stock sarafi is generally related to the current price for large interbank transactions and is adjusted to ensure profit. The buying rate of currency by an office is different from its selling rate. For each currency traded, both are generally displayed in the shop window. So the sarafi sells at a lower rate than it buys. For example, sarafi in the UK might sell for € 1.40 for 1 but buy for € 1.60 for. 1. The terms “buy” and “sell” are often used interchangeably by a change office, and the buying rate may seem higher than the selling rate: in such cases it means that we have shown our local currency at the rate.

Instant price in sarafi

So if the current price on a particular day is 50 1.50 to پ 1, in theory 2 2 buys € 3, but in practice it is impossible for ordinary consumers to obtain. If the change office buys پ 1 from a consumer 1. 1.40 and then sells 1 1 for € 1.60, a 20 difference in costs and profits will help. When there are many more buyers than sellers (or vice versa), this business model can be upset by the implementation of the currency because they feel that a particular currency is overvalued or undervalued.

How do money changers work?

Each sarafi office may receive a transaction commission from the currency sarafi. The commission is usually deducted as a percentage of the amount to be sarafid, or a fixed fee, or both. Some offices do not receive commissions but may adjust their proposed exchange rate . Some offices offer special deals for customers who have returned unused foreign currency after the holidays. Reputable foreign sarafi rarely buys or sells coins, but will sometimes be associated with higher profit margins, which is justified by the higher cost of storage and transportation compared to banknotes.

In recent years, with the advent of online banking, currency sarafi services have appeared on the Internet. This new model provides more competitive exchange rate s and threatens reputable irani sarafi with a traditional sarafi system. Online currency sarafis have two main models: the more popular model is provided by reputable foreign sarafi sarafis, while social currency platforms such as Wiswap allow participants to sarafi currency at their own rates (usually at transaction costs). Additional) ask or offer

Many of FinTech’s innovative startups offering e-wallet currency options that offer low or no currency currency trading costs threaten the traditional sarafi business model. The industry’s total revenue is estimated at $ 362 billion

Customer problems in sarafi offices

Changing money at a reputable sarafi usually costs more than withdrawing it from an ATM at the destination or paying directly through a debit or credit card, but this varies depending on the card issuer and the type of account. The cost of withdrawing multiple ATMs should also be considered. Some people may feel uncomfortable carrying a lot of money and therefore prefer to use the card and carry the minimum amount of cash to carry cargo to cabins, hotels and restaurants. Hotels and rental cars often require temporary storage cards

If they expect the currency to return to their place of use, some may prefer to keep the foreign currency rather than change it. Companies that frequently send their employees abroad can basically act as their own sarafi office by repaying their employees in local currency and keeping foreign currency. If the exchange rate  is relatively stable, the costs incurred by an office may outweigh any possible fluctuations and also facilitate the company’s accounting.

Instead, some people prefer to buy their own currency before traveling, either just to feel safe from credit card fraud that is often manipulated by card readers or hackers, or because they guess the exchange rate  at It’s better when they make their trip as well, some places may just take cash or ruin credit card terminals

Introducing reputable sarafi in iran

sarafi in iran

In the following, we will introduce and review the reputable sarafi in iran , the best sarafi offices in the world and the exchange rate  of each, reputable sarafi offices in Europe, America and Canada, as well as Tehran, Tejarat, Kish and Mellat sarafi offices with all the details of each.

Money Corp.

Money Corp Group’s growing foreign sarafi and payment needs of global businesses, importers and exporters, online sellers

Provides yen and personal customers. From offering advanced structural products and multi-currency accounts through which corporate treasurers have access to wholesale banknotes, there is treasury money to provide a better alternative for banks. With offices around the world, Money Corp. is proud to offer exceptional customer service. A global company with local expertise and one of the best reputable irani sarafi

Since its founding in 1979, the company has been helping businesses and individuals achieve their goals and earn their money where needed. With service, good value and leading technology at the heart of what they do. This company is one of the best reputable irani sarafi and has currency experts who help you to be informed of the latest industry news and exchange rate s and to transfer your money with confidence. Money Corp website

Interchange Financial is one of the best reputable irani sarafi

Another of the best reputable sarafi in iran is Interchange Financial, which provides all your foreign sarafi needs. Using the power of technology and financial expertise, they offer innovative services and exceptional prices to their customers. They process hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign sarafi each year and save millions of dollars compared to traditional options. The company believes that technology and innovation have revolutionized the financial services industry. In many cases, these technologies include Fintech and Peyman Tak, but sometimes they also include durable technologies such as paper fiat currencies. Therefore, everything your sarafi needs is available in the best sarafi


One of the founders of this company is a lifelong entrepreneur who travels extensively and regularly buys and sells assets in the United States and Europe in the 1990s. He was often frustrated that his Canadian bank did not offer internationally competitive foreign exchange rate s and realized that his business plans were affected by this fact.

The only options he could find were Forex trading companies designed for e-commerce and speculation that did not have the ability to solve real trading problems. He identified the need in Canada for a currency sarafi company that could meet the needs of real people and real businesses. He worked with a currency specialist and was soon after the Interchange Financial was born. Unsurprisingly, given the demand for better exchange rate s, the company has become one of Canada’s top currency specialists. Company website


Travlex opened its first store in London in 1976 and now operates as a leader in independent currency trading in the world and is currently one of the best reputable sarafi in iran . Travelx has more than 1,000 stores and 1,000 ATMs in 26 countries at major airports, seaports, railways, and tourist destinations. Travelx serves customers 40 million times a year with cash and prepaid cards and processes more than 5,000 foreign sarafi transactions every hour. More than 40% of the world’s passengers – 2.7 billion passengers a year – pass through airports operated by Travlex

In 2017, it had more than 18 million ATM transactions, which indicates an increase in the popularity of the service. They also offer international remittances and payments online through partnerships with Western Union and Oz Forex, as well as the production and distribution of FX banknotes to central banks and international financial institutions. Travlex offers prepaid currency cards for worldwide use, and customers can use these cards to lock the exchange rate  at the time of purchase, benefit from 7/24 emergency services and deposit multiple currencies. Download your cards

For example, an American traveler can load up to 5 different currencies on their card to use during their trip, which means they can travel from Europe (Eurozone), the UK, Australia, Canada or Japan without any hassle. Or worry about exchange rate  fluctuations. Travelx website

Continental Sarafi

sarafi in iran

Another reputable foreign sarafi for Iran is Continental Sarafi with its central branch in Canada. Continental Sarafi Sarafi meets all your personal and business sarafi needs. Immediately buy and sell more than 160 currencies with fast and easy service and offer the longest working hours of the branch in Canada

Guaranteed excellent exchange rate s and no commission, they give you the best value for all your currency needs. Advantages of trading with Continental Sarafi: The best exchange rate  is guaranteed in all transactions, buy and sell without ordering account, immediately Buy or sell more than 160 different currencies, order in advance, book online, then send and pay at the branch to ensure the currency is ready

Continental Sarafi, one of the best reputable sarafi in iran the world for Irani, has worked with some of the best payment companies in the world to ensure that no matter where you send your money, it is fast, insured and protected. Becomes. Move multiple currencies to the city or around the world and always get great guaranteed rates with low fees. Sending money by continent is easy and safe. Continental Sarafi website

Ultimate Sarafi

Ultimate Sarafi is a Canadian company that provides foreign sarafi services in four branches. Three in Ottawa and one in Toronto, as well as online orders for foreign currency shipments anywhere in Canada

Red. UCE buys and sells more than 90 foreign currencies without any commission. Ultimate Sarafi exchange rate  is always better than Canadian banks and competes with other sarafi offices and is also one of the best reputable irani sarafi for Irani living in Canada.

Ultimate Sarafi is a “Money Services Trading” registered with Finderk (Canada’s Center for Financial Analysis and Reporting). The sarafi is committed to ensuring that all its operations are fully in line with the proceeds of crime (money laundering) and the Canadian Terrorist Financing Act and that it follows all Canadian rules and regulations. Ultimate Sarafi is an active member of the Money Services Association. Is a Canadian association of organizations governed by Canada’s payment compliance laws. The company’s website

One International Sarafi

Receive your travel money easily and safely to your home address. Orders received before 12 noon and in US dollars for next business day delivery using Royal Mail special delivery are available at Number One. For orders 750 750 or more, delivery is free, or for orders under 750 750, there is a small delivery fee of 95 5.95. You can save your unused travel money at the pre-order exchange rate  guaranteed when clicking and selling online. Sell ​​to Number One, this is the cost of one of the most extensive networks with 350+ local travel money stores and partner representatives across the UK

Reputable Irani sarafi offices

Kish sarafi

Naqedinia and Kish Partners Cooperative Company was established in 2009, after obtaining the necessary licenses from the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Kish Island with registration number 8150. Kish Sarafi with the benefit of other facilities of all its groups, such as the expert and professional team of Team Yar in the field of programming and network in providing electronic services and with the cooperation of other companies in the UAE, China, Canada, England, Turkey and داشتن and having bank accounts in them has been able to provide a platform for safe and fast remittances

Possibility of cash payment and deposit in the account in the UAE, possibility of cash payment and deposit in the account in Canada even to the account of Irani, possibility of cash payment and deposit to the account in Turkey, possibility to deposit to the ABC account in China if the recipient is Chinese, 100% electronic platform for providing services, convenient and secure location for cash sales, benefit from electronic banking in Iran and all companies in the UAE, China, Turkey, Canada, UK, etc.

Possibility of providing bank transfer receipts with competitive rates at the moment of providing specialized foreign sarafi services, especially for Iranian and foreign merchants in the Persian Gulf countries, Turkey and China. Utilizing the facilities of other companies in the field of IT and programming to provide fast access And safe and fully electronic

Kish money transfer rate

Kish money transfer rate is changing instantly and you can refer to this website by visiting the Kish money transfer rate page and see the latest valid rates in this sarafi through the link related to Kish money transfer rate

Money Sarafi in iran

Mellat Sarafi Company (Private Joint Stock Company) with national ID 10103581206 and registration number 321010 started its activity on 12/26/2007 based on the official license of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The subject of the company’s activity is doing all matters related to the purchase and sale of various types of banknotes and foreign remittances. At present, the company’s capital is 600 billion rials

Mellat Financial Group, on behalf of Bank Mellat, owns 70% of the company’s shares. Ferdowsi Branch: Tehran, North Ferdowsi St., next to Bank Mellat, No. 274, Phone 021-66703040, Office and Central Branch: Tehran, Africa St., below the intersection of Jahan Koodak, corner of 19th St., No. 54, Tel: 42533000- 021 Fax: 88677142-021 Website address in this link

National Sarafi in iran

sarafi in iran

The National Sarafi of Iran was established in 2004 with the permission of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, mainly with the capital of Bank Melli, as a private joint stock company and despite international restrictions, has played an important role in transferring foreign sarafi funds and balancing the foreign sarafi market.

Benefit from the knowledge and experience of managers and experienced foreign sarafi and banking managers and experts, constructive interaction with foreign units of Bank Melli and concluding contracts with reputable and reputable brokers and using advanced equipment, risk of foreign sarafi remittances and cash transactions (banknotes) ) Has been minimized

National Sarafi Remittance Rate

To view the updated national exchange rate s, you can refer to this link and be informed of the latest national exchange rate s. The remittance rate of the national sarafi office is moderate and it is better than other reputable sarafi in iran offices

Trade sarafi sarafi in iran

The issue of establishing a trade sarafi company was raised on 12/20/2002 after the announcement of the relevant instructions by the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Received from the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran on 03/03/2009. After obtaining the license, it was registered in the State Property and Deeds Registration Office on 04/24/2009 and on 01/06/2009, the activity license was received from the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It started to provide the bank with profitability through its presence in the sarafi market as a space for the expansion of monetary and banking activities, which is also considered an efficient and high-income industry.

During this period, when obtaining the relevant licenses to start the activity of the sarafi company, it took several changes in the amount and method of supply.

The capital, the articles of association, the location of the company, the composition of the board of directors and the CEO of the company and even the name of the company were made and finally, thanks to God, the efforts of colleagues in different parts of the bank This was made possible

You can also get information about the best sarafi offices in the world in the United States and Europe from the Contact Us section of the website to check out more information about reputable sarafi in iran.


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